

Future Plans

Thanx to all those customers old and new who came to visit us at Batttersea Park for the third Affordable Art Fair. We had a fantastiic time although it was a gruelling week!

The exhibition was an absolute success, we sold a good quanitity of painting's, but what really stole the show was our sculpture.

There was a massive amount of interest in the work especially that of Beth Carter orders were taken for a complete addition of a new study" Minatour reading two'. We will shortly be updating Beth's section on our site where her new works can be seen.

There were strong enquiries for Tim Shaw's dynamic work too. We will be attending the fair in the aultumn 2002. At present we are making enquiries with other fair organisors this space!

In the meantime we are looking at larger premises in Newlyn ( a few minutes walk away ) where it is hoped we will show installation work as well as giving our Artists a chance to work on a larger scale and exhibit in a large space. (Watch out all you corporate clients the will be no excuse not to adorn your foyers and offices with quality paintings and sculpture!!)

Anyway, these plans ars still in their hatching stages, but we'll keep you posted on the progress. Make sure you have your invite to the ' evening of the year'. Immediately, our plans are to re-furbish our office in the present gallery, concentrating on the crafts & leaving the remaining part of the gallery to sculpture and paintings.