about Jeremy Le Grice

After a hugely successful exhibition last year Jeremy returns with 'A sense of the Place', oil paintings and studies of this bustling fishing port.


Jeremy lives and works in Newlyn, with a studio over-looking the harbour.

A painter for 50 years who is passionate about his surroundings, images of hulls in harbours and the uncompromising Cornish landscape provide a rich source of inspiration to this well respected artist.


Jeremy Le Grice writes of his current portrayal of Newlyn:

'For more than half a century hulls have drawn me inordinately. This may be because at the back of my mind they represent a dream or metaphor of the idealised female ñ these are vessels capable of spanning the oceans of the globe, flourishing in storms, breasting every wave and taking each landfall in their stride. At sea they are graceful and entirely in tune with the elements; whilst in harbour they lean heavily against the quay for support and protection. They lie exposed on the shingle beautifully askew. My paintings carry echoes of these various aspects.

'I have travelled in the nearby vicinity to discover other subjects; farm buildings, ancient stones and horses standing in fields, silhouettes of skylines and, at night, the moon. To create an image that carries resonance, a subject needs to be invested with vitality sufficient to stand independent of its motif.

'I paint with oil colour which in collusion with a hog-hair brush is extraordinarily adaptable and grants this necessary potency. It is similar with the use of pen and paper, or cello and bow when in capable hands. These apparently simple objects, along with knowledge, intuition, structure and fluency, enable art to take shape.'
