about louise gabriel

Louise lives in Kent with her daughter, and specialises in printmaking. She has exhibited widely, including the Barbican Centre, Hyde Park Gallery, and Worcester City Museum.


‘My images are populated by angels, mermaids, winged things, Y-fronts, bath tubs etc and they illustrate the usual bittersweet stories that make up the human condition, and, while I feel that my work has something kind of beautiful to say, I keep my tongue oh so firmly in my cheeks’.


For Grandad with love

Last summer, your last summer,
I found you in the garden, more than once,
resplendant in your wildly patterned Bumuda shorts
(and matching shirt)
happily sunbathing,
anticipating yet another loverly cup of tea,
(if I was having one myself).

Last summer, your last summer,
I found you in my heart as you’d always been,
kind and capable with a twinkle in your bright blue eyes.
The gentle centre
of a life made sweeter
for having you, like sugar, in it.

Louise Gabriel

