Alice Mumford 'Olive Tree' 51 x 37cm
£250 enquire
Beth Carter 'Bird' 26x30cm
£300 enquire
Beth Carter 'Minotaur' 34x26cm
£350 enquire
Bonnie Marie Smith 'Scissors' 19x26cm
£90 enquire
Henry John 'Life Room Drawing' 21x29cm
£275 enquire
Jessica Cooper 'Drawing of lilies and soap dish' 19x19cm
Jessica Cooper 'Drawing of lilies and soap dish I' 19x19cm
Jessica Cooper 'Drawing of lilies and soap dish III' 19x19cm
Kate Walters 'Spirit Drawing' 34x32cm
£190 enquire
Kristin Vestgard 'Untitled I' 15x22cm
£130 enquire
Kristin Vestgard 'Untitled II' 29x21cm
£180 enquire
Maggie Matthews 'Rock Pool' 14x14cm
£120 enquire
Marie-Claire Hamon 'Somewhere to dream' 14x21cm
£150 enquire
Mary Stork 'Progress' 21x35cm
£340 enquire
Michael Rees 'Twitcher' 16x16cm
Naomi Frears 'John reading about Africa' 29x29cm
£175 enquire
Paul Chaney 'Space Bee Area' 17x22cm
£80 enquire
Rose Hilton 'Untitled I' 23x29cm
£195 enquire
Rose Hilton 'Untitled II' 23x29cm
Rose Hilton 'Untitled III' 23x29cm
Roy Walker 'Untitled I' 32x24cm
£400 enquire
Simon Pooley 'Penberth' 25x25cm
Tim Shaw 'Mabe Church' 20x28cm