ken turner

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Ken Turneršs inspiration is drawn from philosophy, technology and the visual image. A transfiguration takes place through an inter-relation of the aesthetic and the conceptual. That is, text as form and meaning as idea is structurally part of the painted image. Even without text the titles of the paintings serve as an important contribution to the content as a whole and the paintings are strongly compelling. Within this process the computer plays a vital part in the intermediate stages: technology as a tool in painting.

Interestingly, Ken is also a performance artist, and sees his video work and performance as part of an interrelation of ideas where one interchanges in the other or, as he would say ' a chaosmosis of ideas and intentions takes place.'

Tu Yu by ken turner - click for enlargement
Tu Yu
122 x 152 cm
acrylic on board
What it is to be Human by ken turner - click for enlargement
What it is to be Human
152 x 122 cm
acrylic on board
Babel by ken turner - click for enlargement
167 x 122 cm
acrylic on board
£ 6000
 Memory by ken turner - click for enlargement
167 x 122 cm
acrylic on board
£ 6000